
Wednesday, June 15, 2016

Good News!

First the good news. Stella's tumor was "low grade" and the margins were clear. She requires no further treatment. Woohoo! She'll get her stitches out next Tuesday and should be back to normal before we know it. (Coming off the Benadryl has certainly raised her energy level.) It will take about four months for her fur to grow back, however.

I have returned to work so am well enough. I am no longer coughing so much that I need to mainline cough drops. I didn't even take Nyquil last night! 

I thought it might be good to get back to my 10 project rotation, so the plan for the rest of June looks like this:

June 13-15 Our Souls*
June 16-18 Cinnamon Stars**
June 19-21 Greenland Santa
June 22-24 Small #6
June 25-27 Mary's Stocking
June 28-30 Tis the Season

*I have a number of meetings these evenings, so there may be less progress than we'd hope.
**The three weekend hiatus from gardening may result in less progress than we'd hope.


  1. Great doggy news. Good luck with the rotation.

  2. Looking forward to seeing your progress!

  3. Glad Stella is okay - and you too! lol Good luck with the rotation!

  4. So glad Stella is ok! As for mainlining cough drops -- ugh. Don't remind me. I was doing that for weeks (maybe months?) after our London trip! Glad you are doing better too!

  5. Pleased to hear both you and Stella are doing better.

  6. Glad to hear you both are on the road to recovery!

  7. Yay! I'm so glad you both are doing better.

  8. So glad you received good news about Stella!

  9. Good news for yu all about your much loved dog.
    Good luck with your rotation

  10. What fabulous news for Stella! Good news that you are feeling better as well. I am looking forward to seeing the latest round of progress on your projects.

  11. awwwww sooo pleased to hear you are both getting better ... and good luck with your rotation ... looking forward to progress photos :) love mouse xxxx

  12. Glad to hear about Stella, and you too. Sounds like you have a lot of life going on right now, and not much time for stitching.

  13. Anonymous8:03 AM

    Great news! So glad Stella is on the mend.
    Love and good wishes to all of you from all of us,
