
Saturday, October 19, 2013

Busy Bee

The past two weeks have gone by quickly! I did mean to stop in and tell you how things were going. The challenge that I created, but hardly promoted, has ended. I've got a Maggie story for you. There's those tutorials I was going to do... There are many, many things to talk about but no time, no time.

I sit at a computer all day writing and editing things, you'd think I'd be able to pop on and get a blog post up but I have been busy at work, and that's even with my boss off for the past two weeks! I am enjoying it. I'm pretty sure the only one of us who has adjusted to me working all week is Stella! She's been going to daycare every day because I couldn't get a dog walker to call me back. Seriously? I thought that only happened with plumbers.

I haven't taken a stitch in 14 days. Not sure when I'll get a chance to. I need new work clothes, and I don't know when I'll be able to schedule a shopping trip either. (Fortunately people will send me things in the mail.) The upcoming silent auction has taken up my nonworking times. So so so so much to do.

I'm sure I'll get used to the new schedule, and I'll find a way to squeeze everything in. Until then...


  1. Glad you're happy at your new job. Once the adjustment to a new schedule is over, hopefully you'll find the time for stitching and everything else too. Good luck with it all!

  2. I know, it must be exhausting to get the new schedule in place. Eventually it will get better and I'm sure you'll find a minute (or two) to enjoy life.

  3. It's going to take some adjusting getting used to your new schedule. Work unfortunately really cuts into the crafting time but once you're in a groove hopefully you'll carve out some stitching time again. I've been traveling for work and vacationing and just running around like crazy and missing my stitching time too. No stitching=cranky. :)

  4. Working is a good thing. You will adjust. Don't worry, be happy. (I did not invent that line)

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Congrats on the new job. It'll take a little time to get used to things, but you'll get there!

  7. Sounds very busy, but also that house enjoying work.

  8. I only work two days a week and that takes up enough time!!

    I'm sure you will get in the swing of things soon.

  9. Go easy on yourself. I look forward to any blog posts that come as I miss your missives but understand how busy you are.

  10. It's so great that you are working again even if that takes up much of your blogging energy and time. Can't wait to hear the latest about Maggie and also the critique of this year's ornament issue.

  11. Glad things are going well and that you are enjoying the new job :)

  12. Congrats! Glad you're busy, and liking it!
